$497: FREE Your 5 Day Financial Breakthrough Experience🥳

Discover the secret weapon method to double your income while working half the time


Break through your current financial plateau without working harder or burning yourself out in the process ...even if you have tried all of the "money mindset" stuff before!

Sign Up Today

Heal your relationship with money….for GOOD. 

The proven 5 step process The A.L.I.G.N. Method is the most powerful way to break through your current financial plateau without working harder or burning yourself out in the process. 


❌ As a society, we've been conditioned to believe that the only way to make money and grow our wealth is to work hard, grind, hustle and sacrifice our way there.  

After spending 18 years in the finance industry, studying human behavior around money, and helping thousands of people reach their financial goals...I can tell you that the wealthiest people I've ever met...they're not "working harder" than everyone else.  They are working SMARTER than everyone else, and they have a healed and neutral relationship with money. 💰


And now...after all these years of uncovering the secrets of the 1%, I'm ready to spill the tea and share it all with the world. 🐸☕


That's exactly why I created The A.L.I.G.N. Method, a step by step, proven process that is backed by 18 years of experience and research to serve as your Roadmap to Riches, helping you achieve your financial goals and finally become The Wildly Wealthy Woman in your own life. 💃

Make more money & have more time freedom

Save more money so that you can feel financially secure

✨Have consistent & reliable income giving you more peace and less stress around money

Pay off debt

Travel just because you want to (without having to worry about $ the whole time!)

Double your sales in business

Discover your hidden money blocks (it’s not what you think!) 

Victoria Kleisman

"I went from less than 500 euros a month to $20k+ consistent months and I know how valuable I am to this world!"

Vivi Jonsson

"I have doubled my income in just 4 weeks since the course and 4X'd it since then!"

Results from previous students after attending this ONE high vibe event:


✨One woman doubled her income in just 4 weeks from the event

✨Someone else manifested an unexpected $12,000 during the event

✨Another woman received 5 new client unexpected client opportunities during the event

✨This woman was informed of a retirement account she never knew she had 


Does this sound like you?


     ❌ You stress far too often about money and finances and tired of wasting your precious energy just to see far too little progress

     ❌ You feel like you don’t have enough to meet your financial needs no matter how much you make 

     ❌ You keep taking one step forward and 2 steps back and you can’t understand why

     ❌ You feel tired, burned out and ready for a massive change but don't know where to even start

     ❌ You have a hard time resting and relaxing because you feel like you need to be “doing” something

     ❌ You’ve done “money mindset” work before and you're starting to question whether this “manifestation” thing is ever going to work

I have a secret for you.


It's not your fault.🤯


The poor financial habits you repeat are actually not YOUR fault.  They come from a set of programs, conditions and paradigms that were established WELL before you knew what was happening. 


The problem is...they are deeply rooted within your unconscious mind, your nervous system, your energy and your identity. 


It's my goal to help you uncover the root cause of WHY certain road blocks consistently appear in your financial life, so that you can bust through them and finally feel into what it feels like to be financially FREE.💸

Studies show that 98% of women don't reach their full financial potential

Why is that?


Most women do not reach their full financial potential because they lack the support that they need to navigate their INNER critic on their own.  All of the imposter syndrome, negative self talk, nervous system responses, procrastination, fear, disempowering money behaviors...they all ADD UP.  We weren't taught in school how to cultivate a powerful relationship with money or create good financial habits.


And until you have a strategy and process to move through these road blocks, you may end up living with the regret of the potential of what you "could have achieved".


Becoming The Wildly Wealthy Woman in your life is a simple process.  IF you learn the step by step process.


Imagine a life like this instead...

Don't just take my word for it, hear what some of my clients are saying about The A.L.I.G.N. Method and working with me...

 Autumn Martin, Social Media Strategist

"Rebekah Is SO amazing at what she does, and I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is looking to develop real tools and strategies for healing their relationship with money!"

Jess Hatheway, Founder of The Wholistic Picture

"I have been noticing myself being more free about how I feel about money!

✅ Working less, receiving more allowing you to have the time freedom to wake up everyday doing what you LOVE because you are supported financially


✅ Traveling & resting just because you want to feel refreshed, recharged and resting while still having way more than enough


✅ Cultivating powerful financial habits that will actually grow your wealth instead of feeling anxious, stressed and worried about financial decisions


✅ No longer procrastinating on the important items that will lead to making more money 


✅ Feeling confident & aligned in your ability to hit any financial goal you set because you are supported by the Universe and using Quantum Tools and know how to speed up your manifestations


 ✅ Having to pinch yourself sometimes because you can’t believe life gets to be this good

Join us for "Your Financial Breakthrough Experience" 🎉🥳🎊

Kickoff on Monday: March 18th (replays available)
Hosted by Rebekah Kiger, Trauma Informed, Certified Master Mindset & Money Coach with 18 years experience in helping people reach their financial goals

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.

By signing up for this FREE event, becoming The Wildly Wealthy Woman can be your reality.  EVEN IF:


 You don’t know where to start

You don’t believe it's possible for you to be financially abundant

You aren’t confident in your ability to make it happen (that’s what I’m here for!)

You weren’t taught good financial habits

You’re overwhelmed with the “world of finance” (I have 18 years experience in this, I gotchu😉)

You think the economy is "too bad"

You know it’s possible for SOMEONE, but don’t think it’s possible for you


I’m inviting you to suspend your disbelief long enough to join me... because I have enough belief for both of us. 


I have seen this process work for thousands of women who have healed their relationship with money and I will believe in you UNTIL you believe in yourself because I KNOW that if it’s possible for one person, it’s possible for you, too (thanks to The Law of Divine Oneness).

And best of all?  It's all FREE!

Yep...I'm spillin' the tea. ☕  For FREE!  Why?  Because I have watched one too many women live in the shadows of their potential


Not going after their goals because of bullsh*t societal standards that tell them they aren't capable because it's they're "not the type of person" to be able to be financially free. 


Enough is enough. 


It's time to take back your power and claim your birthright of abundance in all forms.  You deserve to have an overflow of money, time, fulfillment, happiness and joy. 

Let's claim it back...today. 


Hey there, I'm Rebekah


Not only do I have 18 years experience in finance, I know how to do this from first hand experience.  I went from a broke, struggling teen mom who grew up below the poverty line to retiring from my high paying corporate job in finance at age 32. 
I have since created enough passive income to never have to “work” again and I get to do what I love every single day of my life. 


I get to give back for a living.  I get to heal. 

I get to spend time on the things I believe are important after spending FAR too many years out of alignment with my Soul’s path, chasing a dollar because I thought that being rich would make me happy. 
Until I was making multiple 5 figure months and crying on my way home from work everyday.  

I know what it’s like to make money from the energy scarcity, fear and trying to prove my worthiness, leaving me never feeling like it was enough and in a constant state or worry and anxiety. 

I also know what it’s like to make money from the energy of flow, fulfillment, purpose and alignment and in a constant state of support, peace and overflow.  I prefer the latter.  I prefer the latter for you, too.  


And, if you prefer it too, I have the perfect next step for you to take to solidify to the Universe that you want to make the above dream a reality.  
I know that might seem crazy, but this is exactly what my students tell me they have done.  I want to help you create your breakthrough, too.

This event has the power to change the trajectory of your life.  Are you ready for your breakthrough?

If so, sign up now.👇

Your Financial Breakthrough Experience

Replays available to those who register!